Would you like to request an

Observation or Evaluation?

If so, please complete this form and we will do our best to have someone watch your game and provide feedback. There are two types of requests:

Developmental – This is an informal observation that is of no cost to the referee. The goal of this observation is to provide referee instruction in a game environment and help the referee improve for the next time. Usually, the entire referee crew will all receive written field back indicating positive refereeing aspects and suggestions for improvement. These development observations can be completed by a Referee Mentor or Referee Coach.

Based on requests and mentor or coach availability, an observation cannot be guaranteed.  You will be contacted ahead of time to confirm one will be in attendance.

Formal – This evaluation is used as an upgrade or maintenance assessment for those wishing to upgrade to or remain a Regional Referee and are completed by a Referee Coach. The cost for this evaluation is $105 at the expense of the referee. Referee Coaches will provide a formal evaluation of all officials which will include a grade.

Based on requests and coach availability, an evaluation cannot be guaranteed.  You will be contacted ahead of time to confirm one will be in attendance.

Some leagues allow the NH SRC real-time access to assignments.

In these instances, and at the request of the league, mentors and coaches may observe and provide feedback to referees at games without prior notice.  In all instances, the mentor or coach will be wearing a US Soccer Referee Program shirt, have current NH mentor or coach credentials and introduce himself or herself to the referee crew prior to the match.

Please contact the SDA with questions regarding this practice or if you are a league assignor who wishes to take advantage of this opportunity for referees in the league which you assign.

Additional Information

Evaluation Form for Regional Referees (New 7.1.24)

pdf xlsx

Evaluation Form for National Match Officials (New 7.1.24)

pdf xlsx