Referee Mentors play a vital role in US Soccer referee development. They lead educational sessions (e.g., video analysis, instruction, and field sessions) and perform on-field evaluations (e.g., developmental and full evaluations).

US Soccer Learning Center

Utilize your online profile to access certification courses

Referee Mentors

The following minimum criteria must be met in order to become a mentor:

Referee Mentor Profile

Mentor classes take the place of both former instructor and assessor classes.

Courses will not be offered regularly.  Approval to take a mentor course must be approved by the SDA and may be denied without reason. Instructional material will be online through the US Soccer Learning Center. Mentors must then complete three in-person, practical assignments of leading a video analysis session, leading a practical exercise and observing the performance of match officials.

Understand that mentor and coach opportunities will be limited if an individual is still an active referee.

It is current policy that referee mentors and referee coaches are not allowed to work in leagues in which they still an active referee nor provide feedback to referees with whom they have worked in the past year.  If you still plan on actively refereeing in many leagues, you should wait to become licensed as a mentor.

If you are interested in becoming a mentor…

Please contact the SDA for more information.